While making my rounds around the Internet earlier this morning, I stumbled over a rather heart-warming creation. A man who goes by Gjoci
has recently become a father. Much like any other parent, he's scared to death that something might happen to his newborn angel.
Now, most parents would probably just go out and purchase a baby breath monitor, but Gjoci made one of its own, as highlighted by Hack a Day. Built out of a disassembled Wiimote sensor camera, laser diodes, a printed circuit with an Atmel Atmega88 microcontroller, and some modified software, this DIY baby breath monitor all kinds of rad.
The monitor points several laser beams at the baby's clothing. Whenever the child draws a breath, her chest will move; though the movements are extremely small, the high-resolution camera sensor detects this motion with help from the lasers.
How well does the sensor work? If Gjoci
's reports are any indication, it looks like his little invention is living up to its grand purpose. According to Gjoci's blog, his DIY creation has put up very few false alarms so far, and it has yet to crash.
If you're interested in the nitty-gritty details, have a look over on Gjoci's website. Now, who wants to make bets about whether or not he's going to make a different sort of sensor when his little girl grows up?

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